Sunday, 21 December 2008

Red Roses

red roses oil on canvas
I saw a girl in a yellow dress
She was prettier than all the rest
With hair dancing upon the breezes
That was as black as light can conceive
She ran upon the grass barefoot
And all the Gods did come to look
To see her dance upon the ground
But not a sound, no music found
For something seemed so very sad
In everything she said and had
Like a little butterfly in the night
No words of rhyme could ever feel
What beauty lost and hate did steal
Symbols of a race and clan
Shadows that erase the hand
Blood and death upon the land
Meaningless to all, but man

Sunday, 14 December 2008

More than eyes can see between you and me

oil on canvas
Are we just pawns upon a board?
Just little puppets on a cord
Just picture within a frame
Just players within a game
Just candles that burn down
Casting shadows all around
Or are we the creators of
More than our own beauty and love?

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Do the atoms come together?

through the eye of a star
oil on canvas

Do the atoms come together?
For our momentary pleasure
Or do we form them as we go?
Creating all that we may know
Little specks in each you will find
That reflects all of humankind
Within the centre of the joy
In the heart of the girl or boy
And every duality
Could be just one reality
The probability of fate
Ability to love or hate
For there is more than one and zero
Between both Christ and Nero
For there is the gratitude of
The magnitude of love


Monday, 1 December 2008

Could just a happy face

oil on canvas

Could just a happy face
Create ripples in space
And reality begin
With morality within
For birds sing upon my roof
Creating their own eternal truth
So let the little swallow fly
And yesterday’s sorrows die
And infinity will bring
The birds to whistle and sing
And all life will embrace
The beauty and the grace